A.P.I.A. Leichhardt Tigers are proud to announce that the Balmain Financial Group has generously contributed to enhance the historic event, being the upgraded $3.5 million State Government, club funded and private benefactors’ upgrade of Australia’s most famous football ground, Lambert Park Stadium.
A.P.I.A. Leichhardt Tigers are proud to announce that the Balmain Financial Group has generously contributed to enhance the historic event, being the upgraded $3.5 million State Government, club funded and private benefactors- upgrade of Australia-s most famous football ground, Lambert Park Stadium.
The much anticipated and long awaited Grand Opening of this majestic facility will take place on Saturday 22 March 2014 at 6pm, with the Official Opening being conducted by the Premier of NSW, the Hon Barry O-Farrell MP.
To commemorate this prestigious Event and Opening, the Balmain Financial Group has kindly assisted the club in their mega promotion by having an inaugural Balmain Commercial Cup being the A.P.I.A. Leichhardt Tigers vs. Marconi Stallions Challenge Match.
Club President Tony Raciti said “we are truly humbled and priviledged by having the Balmain Financial Group, a company whose credibility and status is recognised throughout NSW and Australia by sponsoring this inaugural cup match.
The Balmain Financial Group will be contributing a generous $5K to the winner of Round 2, of the IGA FNSW National League Football Clash, as well as $1K to the Man of the Match.
If the match finishes in a draw, then the winner will be resolved in the Second Round away clash at Marconi Stadium between two of Australia-s most famous clubs.
This is a significant amount of money for one game and reflects the club-s importance, history, tradition, heritage, culture and the wide spread community benefits in providing a magnificent sporting environment for young Australians.
The Grand Opening of the Complex will not just be about attending a much loved Derby football match between APIA and Marconi, but it will be an event that will be spoken about for years to come.