Cahill and Duggan sign up as Hero Scouts

Wondering which heroes are set to light up the new Hyundai A-League and Westfield W-League season? Australian football experts Tim Cahill and Amy Duggan are here to reveal the ones to watch.

The Caltex Socceroos all-time leading goal-scorer, Cahill, and the 20-cap Westfield Matilda, Duggan, have been casting an eye across both divisions to identify the players who are set to turn heads in 2018/19.

FIND OUT MORE: Where Heroes Are Made
VOTE NOW: Vote for your Hyundai A-League hero in 2018/19

Cahill, a dynamic, mercurial forward, joined forces with Duggan, once a tenacious, dominant defender to shine a spotlight on the players who can flourish in a league ‘Where Heroes Are Made’.

The Hero Scouts spent a day scouring footage from the Hyundai A-League, Westfield W-League and beyond and the pair will be revealing their findings across social media in the coming days.

The Hyundai A-League fires up on Friday, October 19th and the Westfield W-League kicks off on Thursday, October 25th.

Search ‘Where Heroes Are made’ for more information.

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