Agents condemn Palmer

The AFAA (Australian Football Agents Association) has come out in support of the FFA condemning recent comments by Gold Coast United owner Clive Palmer.

The AFAA (Australian Football Agents Association) wishes to condemn the negative and uninformed reference to agents in Clive Palmer’s attack on FFA, and his comments on football in general.

AFAA completely refute Palmer’s insinuations that Agents are involved in corrupt activities relating to the game in Australia.

The AFAA draws a very clear distinction between the activities conducted by agents licensed by the FFA and unlicensed agents.

Player-s agents licensed by the FFA have passed very stringent examinations and hold comprehensive professional indemnity insurance to underpin their businesses. They carry out their business under carefully governed FIFA statutes and comply with all the related regulation of their business transactions.

Licensed agents are a necessary and welcome part of the industry who play an important role in assisting clubs maximize the talent on their rosters, and further the careers of their clients.

The AFAA recognizes that unlicensed agents are a blight on the industry and support any effort to stamp them out of the game.

The AFAA is supportive of the efforts of the FFA and PFA to safeguard the integrity of the Hyundai A-League and the contractual obligations due to the players of Gold Coast United.