Phoenix’s defender answers the big questions!
You were the members- player of the year last year, what did you win?
I collected a trophy, but I was hoping to also get an envelope with a nice bit of cash in there… but all I got was a trophy.
Did the boys buy you a beer?
All the boys went out that night and we were in fine form, I think Smeltzy was in top form as well.
Did he let his hair down?
We had a good night, let-s put it that way.
Who-s the one team you-d love to get one over this season?
Gold Coast, because Smeltzy-s there and they-re talking it up at the moment. They-ve set the platform.
Bit of a Smeltzy theme here… OK… What are you going to say to him when you come up against him?
I-m one of those guys that doesn-t say much because I know if I do it-ll backfire on me – it-ll just be a quick hello and then maybe we-ll have a chat afterwards.
Of the three games you might be coming up against Smeltzy this season, how many goals is he going to get?
I-ll give him one or two… as long as I-m not playing.
What do you make of his hair?
It-s worse! He-s starting to look like a leopard now… [Laughs.]
Which of your teammates would make a good manager?
Jon McKain, because he enjoys coaching and he-s got good banter. He talks shit as well [laughs].
Who-s the last guy you-d want managing your team?
Probably Diego Walsh, because he-s too worried about all the women up in the stands – he-s got that glint in his eye and he wouldn-t be bothered about the boys [laughs].
If I gave you $50 what would you spend it on?
I-ve just bought a new house and the boys keep ripping me because all I-m doing is spending time on it, so I-d buy a new pot plant… The boys will slaughter me for that.
Last season Andy Durante said he-d name his after shave Dura Essence – what would you call yours?
Jesus, that-s a good one… The Siggy Special.
Do you reckon that-d sell well?
As long as it-s good for the ladies…
If you were to play in the World Cup next year, which three teams would you love to draw against?
I-d like to play Spain again, because I didn-t get the opportunity to play against them and I thought we could do a lot better against them than we did; are Iraq in there? I don-t know anything about football! [Laughs.] OK, I-d like to play Italy, because I-ve never played them; and Australia for the trans-Tasman banter.
Favourite ice-cream flavour?
Goody goody gumdrops. Funny you ask that, I had it yesterday.
We-re psychic, didn-t we tell you? Favourite biscuit?
Tim Tam.
How are Phoenix gonna go this season?
We want to be in the top six, but realistically we-d like to be in the top four.
Grand final?
Why not?
On that note, we-ll bid you good day.