Who’s Who in the W – Sally Shipard

This week, we’re getting to know Canberra United’s masterful midfielder Sally Shipard

This week, we-re getting to know Canberra United-s masterful midfielder Sally Shipard. The Girls FC experts caught up with Sally to find out what makes her tick on and off the field. Here-s the inside scoop on the 23 year old football star originally from Wagga Wagga who already has 51 professional matches to her name!

Girls FC: What-s your career highlight?
Sally: Winning the Asian Cup this year with the Westfield Matildas

Girls FC: What-s your favourite sandwich?
Sally: It is peanut butter and honey, with sliced banana. It-s also my favourite pre-match food; some people think that-s weird!

Girls FC: Tell us about growing up?
Sally: I started playing football when I was 5 years old; my 3 brothers heavily influenced my sporting endeavours. We grew up playing many different sports and football happened to be one. My first football team was PCYC Wagga Wagga. My favourite pet was a turtle called Donatello I was most fond of!

Girls FC: What do you do when you-re not representing Australia or Canberra United on the football field?
Sally: My hobbies are photography, music and swimming. I-m also studying a Bachelor of Arts, Majoring in Journalism and Media Arts. My favourite bands are Children Collide and Arcade Fire but my taste evolves 🙂

Girls FC: If you could choose just one player, who would be your favourite Westfield Matilda and Qantas Socceroo?
Sally: My favourite Westfield Matilda is Melissa Barbieri. Every time I look back to her whilst out on the pitch her head is always held high. She has embraced the captaincy role both on and off the pitch, she possesses some rare qualities. Luke Wilkshire is my favourite Qantas Socceroo. I walked across the Harbour Bridge as part of Breakfast on the Bridge to help build awareness of Australia-s FIFA World Cup Bid for 2022. We spoke of all things Russia. There is more to the guy. I like that.

Girls FC: Who inspires you?
Sally: I-m inspired by any story in which someone can tell with passion, integrity, belief and meaning. I-m also inspired by Glee. (ha). It-s true!

Girls FC: What-s the best thing about playing football?
Sally: The natural high you can achieve with some of your best mates in any part of the world, all whilst representing your country. I was lucky enough to visit the Greek Islands while playing; it-s the most beautiful part of the world I have seen during my football escapades with the team. On a personal level, football has taught me about leadership, dedication, commitment, resilience, importance of family and friends, healthy mind and body.

Girls FC: It-s been great chatting with you Sally, for your final question; can you give us your best training tip / drill for fans to practice at home?
Sally:Juggling the ball to improve your touch, helps with my confidence on the ball!