W-League player of the week

Which Canberra United star was named the Westfield W-League player of the week for her dominating performance in the heart of midfield?

Canberra United-s Kendall Fletcher starred in the heart of the midfield as the Green Machine stormed past Perth Glory on Sunday.

Fletcher arguably has the lowest profile of Canberra-s three American imports but the one-time USA international played a crucial role at the base of the United midfield as the home side eventually steamrolled to a 5-1 victory.

The win was a near-club record scoreline and ensured Canberra returned to the semi-finals having missed out for the first time last season.

Ahead of a heavyweight midweek clash against unbeaten Sydney FC on Wednesday, Fletcher talks about Canberra-s form, living Down Under and much more.

A near record win for Canberra on Sunday. How did you see it?
Happy to get the result, it wasn-t necessarily pretty. Perth made it difficult for us as they needed to get something out of the game. There is a lot we can take out of the game in terms of what we need to work on. Overall, it was a good game for us; a good result and something to work on.

How do you see the team-s form building for the semi-finals?
I think it is good. At the beginning of the season we had success, but then we had a bit of a rough patch, which sometimes can be a good thing because it makes you look at issues you-re facing and get better as a team. I think the past few weeks for us has been working that process and working through that. We are gaining momentum and form heading into the finals. We are not there yet but we are coming out of that rough patch.

Will it be a good opportunity to refocus the team-s goals now that you are actually in the semis?
It is nice going into this week, where we have three games in a week including Sydney twice, to have the pressure having already qualified. It allows we can start focussing on preparing for the finals, so we can work on things as a team, rest people, make sure our injuries are taken care of. We still want to win each game, and it doesn-t change our motivation.

You have been to Australia for more W-League seasons than any import so you obviously enjoy coming Down Under?
I love the country. I love being here. And the league is a great league to play in during the off-season. On the field is great, and off the field Australia is a beautiful country. I find the girls and the people here make for a warm environment and I really enjoy it.

Has it been extra special having some fellow Americans in the side?
The fun thing for me has been to see them experience Australia for the first time and to see them go that process for the first time which makes it neat. I knew Lori (Lindsey) a little and I didn-t know Step (Ochs) so I have got to know them both and that has been fun.

Which city have you enjoyed visiting the most?
I have really enjoyed going to all the cities that we play in. The only place I haven-t really spent any time at is Adelaide. I have spent a little time in Perth which was really cool being a little different on the west coast. I really enjoyed living in Melbourne. That being said being in Canberra has been a lot of fun. I am an outdoors person and I literally have a nature reserve in the backyard where I live. I would love to go to Darwin, Alice Springs and the Great Barrier Reef. In my head I plan to one day hire a campervan and drive around everywhere. I consider this part of my home now and I hope to do that one day.

On the lighter side, who is your funniest team-mate?
Lori Lindsey is probably the biggest character in the dressing room (laughs). She is pretty funny and goofy which I enjoy and we have a lot of fun personalities.

And the coolest team-mate?
I would have to say Caitlin Munoz is pretty cool.