Video technology for the Hyundai A-League?

The Hyundai A-League could be one of the first leagues in the world to implement new video technology designed to assist referees.

The International Football Association Board (IFAB) confirmed that ‘live trials’ will be implemented by the 2017/18 season following a meeting in Wales over the weekend.

The technology will be used to help referees with “game changing” moments – when a goal is scored, penalty decisions, straight red cards and cases of mistaken identity.

Australia is one of 12 football associations to have expressed an interest and FFA CEO David Gallop believes the A-League is the perfect competition to trial the new technology.

“In our view, the A-League would provide an ideal environment, given that the Australian TV industry has years of experience and technology know-how in this area,” Gallop told the Herald Sun.

“We spoke to IFAB officials on the sidelines of the FIFA Congress in Zurich last week and we will be contacting IFAB and FIFA again this week to press Australia’s credentials to be at the forefront of this exciting development.”

New FIFA president Gianni Infantino believes the introduction of video technology is an important step forward but insists the governing body will take a common sense approach with its application.

“I think we cannot close our eyes to the future, to technology. They are big tests that we are doing here and we have to be very careful when it comes to protecting the game of football and the flow of the game is crucial,” Infantino told

“We need to look at it and then we will be able to take a decision on whether it is the right thing for football or not. We have to be open to tests and leading the discussion.”